Sunday, July 19, 2009

I Hate Christian Lander

"Stuff White People Like". Come on, really? He's the first step in JTV becoming totally lame and showing spotlight on the people that give JTV money. Don't watch his broadcast, it's not even good. The guy looks like a tall Kiebler elf with glasses. Almost 400k views, and not even 200 faves? That should tell you something about what the JTV viewers like to watch...

As much as I really didn't care about Dead Pirate Studios, I totally support their views on how JTV is becoming less focused on the actual broadcasters and more focused on sponsors. Kinda weird because around the time of E3 Tia Marie, who is awesome, was telling me how she was talking to a lot of people to sponsor JTV and stuff so that the site would be better. I never thought this would happen though. I thought it would be bettering all the little JTV heroes and normal broadcasters, but instead we get more ads, the front page looking nothing like it used to, and me feeling like when I go in to browse the gaming channels, I feel like I've found this hidden part where normal people can broadcast. It's a weird illusion that JTV is putting on, and they need to realize that their site would be gone if it weren't for all the people broadcasting.

What do you guys think of JTV now?

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