Thursday, July 2, 2009

Real Broadcast This Weekend! Also, Be a Part of CCG!

Hey all who still read this. Tomorrow I will be going to my Aunt's for the weekend, where I will have ACTUAL working internet. The kind that would allow me to broadcast games again. So for this weekend, I will be renting a bunch of games, and doing a broadcast. Jake and Erik may stop by as well, but for the most part it'll just be me. I'm looking forward to it.

We are also looking for people to write articles and advertise the blog to get it off the ground. If you're interested in becoming a writer for CCG, write a small 1000 word article about anything involving the gaming industry, and email it to Also send an email to that address if you are interested in seriously advertising. As well as becoming part of an ambitious project, you will be given a cut of the AdSense profits. Payment in PayPal only. Word to your mother.


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