Saturday, April 4, 2009

JTV=Clusterfuck of GAH

We're not even going to bother broadcasting until JTV is fixed. It's just nuts. Balls. The site is reverting to old layouts, our text sections are all messed up, it's screwing up our archives, it's bad. Hopefully it'll be solved tonight so me, Jake, and Erik can play something tonight. Maybe some Super Smash Bros or something. Sigh. Keep spreading the word and visiting this blog as well as joining our forums. We can make Canadaland Gamers an awesome channel, but without an awesome community, we're done. We want to game with YOU! So visit often, I see a bunch of people who come in but don't register...REGISTER! Then we can chat and have a ball. Or two.

On another note, I'm going to start thinking up ideas for some discussion shows on miscellaneous things that are going on in the gaming world. I'll post those when I'm ready.

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