Saturday, April 25, 2009

Third Live Show -Help Wanted

Monday CCG will be broadcasting our third discussion show. I AM making topics this time, so it will be much more organized. As well as the show, we will be hosting our first community game night, where we will be playing with everyone from the community who wants to play. Xbox, PC, and Wii only, sorry PS3 owners :( Speaking of buying a PS3, I've found some $300 used ones on and I might save up for one :) So just wait patiently, I know a bunch of our viewers have PS3's and would love to play with us more. Sit tight, it's comin.

Im now inviting everyone who visits the broadcast to go to our archives and make highlights and clips that you like. We need more clips for the playlist and good clips to advertise ourselves on Youtube. It would be awesome if you guys could help us with that. Im also considering more mods, so now is your chance to suck up haha. The best thing you could do is advertise us wherever you can, make more clips, just help out in any way. Thanks everyone for watching us, as always, we want to hear your comments, so leave us messages, OR check out our forums and post in the feedback section. I'd like to kickstart our forums.


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