Friday, August 21, 2009


The sanctity of this place has been fowled.

Go to and bookmark it. It's still a WIP, but you can sign up, and visit the forums and start that.



Well its about time i write a new article to bad i wont be doing a full coverage of it until the end of the beta cause that's all I'll be playing. But until then ill report on what I know right now and how to get into the beta.So far from my sourses that i have gained i can say that the beta itself runs at a smooth 30 fps with 256 people. Also I have not yet heared of connection failures in a match. Character custimization has been designed so detailed from the weapons you will use, to the looks of your character. Something Modern Warfare 2 seems to be lacking in showing us espesially so close to release. This custimization will give you loyalty to the faction u pick to fight for. Whether it be the militia gurrila fighting SVER, the more modern army Valor, or the high tech pussies known as Raven. With it closer to beta time for me I will do a final report on it soon, please check back in on the 24th to read how mag stacks up.And to get into the MAG beta u need a annual subscription to qore and you will get an email giving you the beta code. NOTE* You must purchase qore before September 17th because thats when the beta opens and you must enter the code within 24 hours or the opening or you just wasted 26 dollars. P.S About time you guys are gonna get a ps3, and it's even better it is a slim.

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Like that? Good. It's going to be the home of CCG.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Guess What Is About To Die!!!!

This blog. You can read it while I still use it, but get ready because the new site is being worked on and it will be ready for launch soon. BE PREPARED! I DEMAND YOU BE IN AWE!

You might as well just bookmark it now.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Is It Finally Time For CCG to Buy a PS3??

FUCK YOU PS3 SL-It's $299!?!?!? COME 'ERE YOU!

That's right. Looks like CCG is getting a new console soonish.

The PS3 Slim is reportedly exactly like the PS3 in every way, except a shitload lighter, smaller, and best of all, cheaper. More space in your entertainment center, more money in your wallet. Nice job Sony. Here's to gaining a new customer. Cheers.


District 9 Review. I'll Keep the Spoilers Out.

Before you read this, I must warn you, if you haven't seen this movie, and haven't read up on any reviews, previews, news, or any media, don't read this. This movie should be viewed with little knowledge other than the trailer, and you should have almost no expectations for the film. Trust me, it is the BEST way to watch it. If you really don't care about reading about it, I strongly encourage you to rethink that. If you REALLY REALLY don't care, then click "More" to read my review.
Fucking see this movie. I'm serious. GO AND FUCKING WATCH IT. It is the best Sci-Fi, best movie even, I have seen in years.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Walking Dead. On Television. Fuck. Yes.

That's right. That picture. In colour. On television. On a network that is similar to HBO and allows much more mature matter. How's that for alliteration? I can only hope for the best things for the show, even though I won't be able to watch it because AMC is not in Canada. Sadface.
I really hope they stay true to the material. It is a really good comic and is not just this mindless kill fest of zombies. Like any great zombie story, it focuses on the human conflicts and emotions that would arise and we would naturally have, even amidst a world full of danger and fear. People are still trying to survive and live normal lives despite having to go out back and shoot some dead, decrepit, rotting dudes.

I'm also worried about the content of gore and nudity. There are quite a few nude scenes, and a hell of a lot of gore, naturally of course. I just hope that it isn't toned down too much that it takes away from what everyone loves to see in zombie stories. I would actually prefer if it left it to your imagination to visualize for yourself what would happen. By that I mean, if a guy is eaten or torn to shreds, we could see quick cuts of clothes being torn off, zombies swarming all around, but then leave it to our imaginations to think of what followed the blood curdling screams of the soon to be zombified. I think it would be much better than either toning down gore too much, or not having any at all.

Ultimately, I hope this is fucking good. I love my zombies. More than anyone. To the point where it bugs me when people say, "I LOVE ZOMBIES SO MUCH!" because I know they don't truly. They don't truly understand the zombie apocalypse like me and my brothers do. It's the reason I hate Left 4 Dead, Dead Rising, a lot of Resident Evil games, and just about every game and movie with zombies. None of them actually portray a "realistic", if you could say that, portrayal of a zombie apocalypse. Books and comics are the first, and only mediums that, in my mind, accurately paint a picture of a world overrun with the undead. With all the tripe that comes out on TV and film these days, I truly hope that a comic as wonderful as The Walking Dead will translate into a fantastic television series that people will watch, and finally realize exactly what I love about the undead.

I'll let everyone know when there's more information about the series. Stay tuned.