Friday, August 14, 2009

Would You Like A Urine Sample As Well?

I've participated in a few betas in my gaming days. None were as lengthy and in depth as APB's though. In order to play the APB beta, Realtime Worlds needs to know everything about you. Where you live, your income, if you're married, have kids, own a home, I was waiting for the part where they ask for all my bank account numbers and PIN codes.

I did it though. Honestly, I probably won't buy the game because it has a monthly fee. But this game intrigued me from the first day it was announced a couple years ago. At any rate, I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I get in and try out the game. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to report what I play in the beta, but I'll try to give you some impressions if I get in. Keep checking for more!


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