Monday, August 17, 2009

Goodbye For Now, Old Friends.

Yep. That time is here. It came too quick I think. I've enjoyed these two weeks a lot. Broadcasting has been a blast and I can't wait until the next time we get to play and chat with everyone again. You guys have been a fantastic fanbase and chatting with you guys everyday and meeting new people on a daily basis was just awesome. The favourites grew from 190 the Friday we started broadcasting 2 weeks ago, to 335 as of this writing. Again, those faves are nothing if those people decide not to come back. Meaningless numbers, that's all.
Now you're wondering(or not)when will the Canadian Couch Gamers be back??!! Well, soon. Not 2 months, but a couple weeks. Don't worry, we'll be back soon enough. For now though, we're going to be working on the new site and getting it all ready for launch into teh interwebz. If you guys have any ideas on what we should put on the site, let us now via comment box, message on JTV, any way you can get a hold of us.

That's pretty much it for an update on the broadcast. Just keep watching this blog and you'll know what's up in a jiffy.


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