Friday, August 21, 2009



Well its about time i write a new article to bad i wont be doing a full coverage of it until the end of the beta cause that's all I'll be playing. But until then ill report on what I know right now and how to get into the beta.So far from my sourses that i have gained i can say that the beta itself runs at a smooth 30 fps with 256 people. Also I have not yet heared of connection failures in a match. Character custimization has been designed so detailed from the weapons you will use, to the looks of your character. Something Modern Warfare 2 seems to be lacking in showing us espesially so close to release. This custimization will give you loyalty to the faction u pick to fight for. Whether it be the militia gurrila fighting SVER, the more modern army Valor, or the high tech pussies known as Raven. With it closer to beta time for me I will do a final report on it soon, please check back in on the 24th to read how mag stacks up.And to get into the MAG beta u need a annual subscription to qore and you will get an email giving you the beta code. NOTE* You must purchase qore before September 17th because thats when the beta opens and you must enter the code within 24 hours or the opening or you just wasted 26 dollars. P.S About time you guys are gonna get a ps3, and it's even better it is a slim.