Thursday, May 7, 2009


These past couple days have been kinda busy, so there hasn't been much broadcasting. That and the fact that I'm totally bored of my 360. I need to get that PS3 asap. But nevertheless, tonight at around 8ish I'll be back home and broadcasting. No more droughts of CCG :) Keep telling your friends, making clips, watching the feed, and everything else!

Some of you saw the new camera Jake and I bought at a pawn shop for $69. It's a pretty damn good camcorder. You'll see the difference in quality when we do our next show, which we think will start becoming weekly on Mondays at 8:30 or 9 PM EST.

Couple quick notes: COMMENT ON THE DAMN BLOG! GO TO THE FORUMS! MAKE THREADS ABOUT STUFF! Also, we need some ideas for games to play in the coming weeks, so tell us on here, or when you see us broadcasting, tell us what you think we should try. Thanks!!111ONE111ONE!!EXCLAMATION!


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