Sunday, May 31, 2009

Holy Shit E3. AWMAHGAWD E3.

I'm pretty damned excited about tomorrow and what's in store for MS's Press Conference. I'm hoping to see some games I've been anticipating as well as hopefully seeing some newly revealed games for the first time. It's sure to be awesome. We will keep you up to date on what's going on all week long, so check the blog and the broadcast for news and discussion shows daily.

Speaking of discussion shows, I'm excited/really really fucking discouraged because I know that there will be a SHITLOAD of people watching 4PP's discussion shows instead of ours because they will be live from E3. Which is total BS. I have no clue how they got to go to E3 at all, but my goal is to next year be there. Anyway, you can join myself, Erik, Dillon, and maybe Brandon(Jake is in BC right now) every night giving you our thoughts about the day and the events and happenings throughout the week. Stay tuned guys!

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