Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Poop. And Lots of it.

So we're flagged. Again. Apparently you do need to be flagged multiple times to actually get flagged, so that sucks. I've messaged the admins and whatnot and all I can do now is wait. It'll be kinda dry for a few days until we get unflagged. I also posted on the JTV forums(if you could call them that), and am trying to get them to change the system. I urge everyone to go to and give you opinion on this bo schitt. The flagging system is very flawed and needs to be fixed.

And now, more things.

The discussion show sucked. I gave up about 2 minutes in, when there were 5 people. Basically it was pretty pointless as we had NO topics, and we weren't listed on the live channels. Ah well.

We are going to be filming our intro video in a bit, we're just waiting on Dill for more details.

Special thanks to Cmm1990 in chat for donating 2 bucks!!!!

As always, keep visiting, commenting, and SPREADING THE WORD MOST IMPORTANTLY!


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