Sunday, May 24, 2009

Busy Busy Busy.

Few things to tell you guys about in da blog. First, we changed the layout, hope you like it, because we're not changing it. Second, we're coming up on the date that our dad moves out and me, Dillon, my girlfriend, our older brother, and his girlfriend rent the house. So we might be off and on for the next week or so until everyone moves in. As well, our older brother Brandon will be joining CCG, he's pretty excited.

I'm not sure yet, but we may be without internet for awhile, our local ISP, Cogeco, has fucked us in the ass and I'm not taking that shit. No pun intended. So now I'm looking for a new ISP that has a bigger bandwidth cap and better service than those clowns. I'll be sure to notify everyone if we have to stop broadcasting for a few days. Or more...

I just wanted to thank everyone who faved us and the people who come in and hangout and play with us. I was feeling kinda crappy because there's so many shitty channels that have so many viewers and faves, yet they do absolutely nothing, while we try to be somewhat entertaining to you guys and ourselves even. I then watched 4PP's very first broadcast and felt immediately better. They are basically 3 dudes behind a camera, Travis and Nick weren't even there! So yeah, I think CCG is off to a good start, 151 faves in a month or so, without having to play AVGN!!

Now for a more serious topic. I know that I play a lot more than everyone on the feed, because I have a LOT of spare time. But there are 3 other members of CCG. So for the sake of all our sanity, please do not assume I am playing all the time, and PLEASE don't turn me into Brad. If that ever happens I will stop being a part of the broadcast. I swear to Galactus. I do not do everything on the broadcast, in fact I do pretty much nothing except play the games and write in this here blog. Dillon is responsible for ALL the designing and awesomeness of everything. Seriously, all of it. Jake and Erik, well, they don't do much lol. We're actually thinking about getting another capture card so that Erik can take his home and start broadcasting so that all members of CCG get some play time and so everyone realizes that it's more than just Dillon and I.


Super final note, IT'S SPELLED D-I-L-L-O-N not DILLION!! We're going to timeout people who deliberately spell it wrong, it's infinitely annoying.

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