Sunday, May 31, 2009

Holy Shit E3. AWMAHGAWD E3.

I'm pretty damned excited about tomorrow and what's in store for MS's Press Conference. I'm hoping to see some games I've been anticipating as well as hopefully seeing some newly revealed games for the first time. It's sure to be awesome. We will keep you up to date on what's going on all week long, so check the blog and the broadcast for news and discussion shows daily.

Speaking of discussion shows, I'm excited/really really fucking discouraged because I know that there will be a SHITLOAD of people watching 4PP's discussion shows instead of ours because they will be live from E3. Which is total BS. I have no clue how they got to go to E3 at all, but my goal is to next year be there. Anyway, you can join myself, Erik, Dillon, and maybe Brandon(Jake is in BC right now) every night giving you our thoughts about the day and the events and happenings throughout the week. Stay tuned guys!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Tomorrow night CCG will be broadcasting the awesome super duper Starcraft tournament, contestants can message me if interested, or if you would like to join but do not own the game, I can help you out with that. We will be using Garena because it supports legit versions as well as downloaded versions. You can message me on JTV or just comment on here and I will add your name to the players list.


Oh also another thing. I am not sure if anyone is actually looking at the merch and wanting to buy something but going "HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT IS EXPENSIVE! $40 FOR A ZIP UP HOODIE!?" or something like that, but if you want to purchase something let us know and we can buy it for you since we have a discount. Though we don't make any money that way. But I don't care you guys are awesome :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mission Accomplished.

Last night we had our 7th discussion show and I think it was our best. It seems we work much better off of you guys and your questions than what we prepare ourselves. We definitely need work still, but we're slowly getting better and better at talking about things and going from topic to another.

After watching the show last night, I really want to do an extended show just for our top games. As I start thinking about more and more games, I want to go back and change my all time faves. I'm sure everyone else will be up for it as well.

Last but not least, the show is on JTV in our clips section, sorry about the 10 min thing, I didn't feel like editing it a bunch of times just so I can put it on Youtube, and of course it is on Youtube at ! Leave your comments, join the channel, and of course keep spreading the word about us :) Thanks a bunch from CCG!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Busy Busy Busy.

Few things to tell you guys about in da blog. First, we changed the layout, hope you like it, because we're not changing it. Second, we're coming up on the date that our dad moves out and me, Dillon, my girlfriend, our older brother, and his girlfriend rent the house. So we might be off and on for the next week or so until everyone moves in. As well, our older brother Brandon will be joining CCG, he's pretty excited.

I'm not sure yet, but we may be without internet for awhile, our local ISP, Cogeco, has fucked us in the ass and I'm not taking that shit. No pun intended. So now I'm looking for a new ISP that has a bigger bandwidth cap and better service than those clowns. I'll be sure to notify everyone if we have to stop broadcasting for a few days. Or more...

I just wanted to thank everyone who faved us and the people who come in and hangout and play with us. I was feeling kinda crappy because there's so many shitty channels that have so many viewers and faves, yet they do absolutely nothing, while we try to be somewhat entertaining to you guys and ourselves even. I then watched 4PP's very first broadcast and felt immediately better. They are basically 3 dudes behind a camera, Travis and Nick weren't even there! So yeah, I think CCG is off to a good start, 151 faves in a month or so, without having to play AVGN!!

Now for a more serious topic. I know that I play a lot more than everyone on the feed, because I have a LOT of spare time. But there are 3 other members of CCG. So for the sake of all our sanity, please do not assume I am playing all the time, and PLEASE don't turn me into Brad. If that ever happens I will stop being a part of the broadcast. I swear to Galactus. I do not do everything on the broadcast, in fact I do pretty much nothing except play the games and write in this here blog. Dillon is responsible for ALL the designing and awesomeness of everything. Seriously, all of it. Jake and Erik, well, they don't do much lol. We're actually thinking about getting another capture card so that Erik can take his home and start broadcasting so that all members of CCG get some play time and so everyone realizes that it's more than just Dillon and I.


Super final note, IT'S SPELLED D-I-L-L-O-N not DILLION!! We're going to timeout people who deliberately spell it wrong, it's infinitely annoying.

Monday, May 18, 2009

CCG's Discussiono Showo Numero Sixo

Get ready for a humdiddly of a show folks! I sure dem der brothers o mine read up on dem vidyagames! We gon' be talkin abouts a bucket o good stuff, like the new Mass Effect 2 trailer, an Im not talkin bout the hunk o junk I live in, impressions of Uncharted 2 from people who didn't play the first one, as well as sum other good stuff. Tune in at 8:30 PM EST, bring your friends!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Now For Something Completely Different.

It is time for CCG to do something different. We are going to collaborate to create a channel that is different than the other channels. I want more camera and a little less gaming. I mean, we will still play games, but it's getting quite dull. We are going to create something a little more organized and "professional", without being professional. Sort of like a sitcom, a gaming show, and a news network combined into one channel. Sounds awesome to me. It will take some time to get down, but expect to see new things in the future :)


Saturday, May 16, 2009


I am totally pumped to see Mass Effect 2 at E3 next month. The new vids showing gameplay look amazing. The graphics look much better, animations are smooth and flow nicely, character designs look awesome, environments are sweet, everything looks fantastic.

The first video shows gameplay and the developers of the game explaining the new features, great trailer.

The next video is an interview with a dude from Gamespot and Casey Hudson, Project Manager. If these guys had anymore chemistry, they'd explode. /sarcasm

The second video, Casey explains how the dialogue system will work and what new features will be in the game, including ways to really change the conversation, which is awesome. I loved the dialogue of the first game, more than anything else in the game I dare say, and if it is better and has more of an impact on what you're doing, that is awesome. I can't wait.

On another note, E3 is only a few weeks away, and I think I'm prepared for the bombardment of games this year(we all know how last year went). Expect to see the blog filled with our thoughts on games, and expect to maybe see more than one discussion show a week, providing we're not convulsing from the awesome announcements.


Friday, May 15, 2009



More Broadcasts! Plus, info on games.

Dill and I are not going away this weekend anymore because of crappy weather. Hence, broadcasting will commence.

There is some new info on some awesome games I, and others, are looking forward to, so watch for that stuff later today or tomorrow.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Untitled Blog Entry.

Dill and I are going to be in Niagara Falls, Ontario from this Friday until Monday, so unless Jake or Erik steal all the shit for the weekend (which would be cool) there will be no broadcasting until next Monday.

I want to take this time to strongly encourage people to join the forums located on the right side of the blog, or here . The forum is going to be an invaluable tool in making the broadcast and the discussion show better. We will check the forums daily for new topics, and we'll start some more to get the ball rolling.

I hope by the time I get back we're unflagged. Cause it sucks.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Poop. And Lots of it.

So we're flagged. Again. Apparently you do need to be flagged multiple times to actually get flagged, so that sucks. I've messaged the admins and whatnot and all I can do now is wait. It'll be kinda dry for a few days until we get unflagged. I also posted on the JTV forums(if you could call them that), and am trying to get them to change the system. I urge everyone to go to and give you opinion on this bo schitt. The flagging system is very flawed and needs to be fixed.

And now, more things.

The discussion show sucked. I gave up about 2 minutes in, when there were 5 people. Basically it was pretty pointless as we had NO topics, and we weren't listed on the live channels. Ah well.

We are going to be filming our intro video in a bit, we're just waiting on Dill for more details.

Special thanks to Cmm1990 in chat for donating 2 bucks!!!!

As always, keep visiting, commenting, and SPREADING THE WORD MOST IMPORTANTLY!


Monday, May 11, 2009


Tuesday we will be having our 5th discussion show at 9:00 PM EST. Topics will be Red Dead Redemption, Bioshock 2 Multiplayer, CoD MW2 Trailer, and other stuff. Tune in, tell your friends!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Le Side Feed.

I (Tyler) am going to be creating a side channel over on for strictly PC streaming. It is SOO much easier to stream PC using the Procaster for mogulus than using FME and ScreenCap for JTV. So if you want a change from all the normal 360 and Wii games we play, head on over to and I'll be there.

Side note: 1 VS 100 is a lie.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


These past couple days have been kinda busy, so there hasn't been much broadcasting. That and the fact that I'm totally bored of my 360. I need to get that PS3 asap. But nevertheless, tonight at around 8ish I'll be back home and broadcasting. No more droughts of CCG :) Keep telling your friends, making clips, watching the feed, and everything else!

Some of you saw the new camera Jake and I bought at a pawn shop for $69. It's a pretty damn good camcorder. You'll see the difference in quality when we do our next show, which we think will start becoming weekly on Mondays at 8:30 or 9 PM EST.

Couple quick notes: COMMENT ON THE DAMN BLOG! GO TO THE FORUMS! MAKE THREADS ABOUT STUFF! Also, we need some ideas for games to play in the coming weeks, so tell us on here, or when you see us broadcasting, tell us what you think we should try. Thanks!!111ONE111ONE!!EXCLAMATION!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

CCG Apparel!

We are currently working on setting up an online shop at to help us get some revenue so we can keep making our broadcast awesome. Plus, it's money in our pocket. All kinds of Canadian Couch Gamers clothing and miscellaneous things will be available, so stay tuned for the launch :)But don't worry, if we start making enough money we will be giving back to you guys. I realize that we have some kickass fans and the ones devoted enough to help us out by buying merch, donating, and just helping advertise us and stuff, I wouldn't be able to thank them enough. Dill and I have some big ambitions for this live broadcast, so just wait and see.

We will also be giving away our merch for free in contests and stuff in the future, so keep watching and playing :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

He Who Controls The Spice, Controls The World!

This morning I was thinking of ways to really make our channel different from the other channels on JTV. To be honest, though we do have a lot more interaction and stuff with our viewers, I still see our channel as not that different. I'm sure on all honesty most of you would agree. I want to do a lot of cool things, besides just playing games with you guys. I was thinking of competitions and what not, on a regular basis. I was also thinking of some new layouts for when we do our discussion shows. I really want to take this channel seriously now, and I hope the you guys are willing to help us out to make it kick ass. PLEASE if you read this, comment and tell me some ideas, or better yet, go to the forums, make a topic, and get this thing goin! Thanks to all our awesome viewers :)
